Tuesday, December 23, 2008

hmm... what have i been up to?

most of my readers would have already abandoned me... sorry la... malas want to update la got nothing to talk about also...
well mostly is wasting my money... *sigh* don't know when i'll be able to save money hahaha... i got my hair done into corn rows... when i got time i'll post the pictures up for you all to see, the thing about this hairstyle is, it hurts, it itches, it gets in the way, but it's cool. i couldn't stand it and i took it out today, because the fact that my scalp was itching like mad was like it was giving me a signal, 'if you don't take it off, we are going to come off...' hahaha, i learned my lesson and i'm not ever going to waste my money and do something so wild again. but it was fun for when it lasted. going to head to osaka now, going to spend Christmas in USJ. and before i forget,


well, i'm still all alone... not! hahaha, Mr. Hii and Mr. Wong will be accompanying me, so i guess it won't be too bad cause i got this two great 'brothers' to take care of me. you know, i seem to be falling in love with a girl again, but the thing that is different about this time is, i can't exactly put my finger on it, but i feel so happy just looking at her smile, and for the first time in my life, i can accept her as a friend rather than ignore her and do all kinds of childish stuff... guess i'm growing up already... hahaha, not planning on chasing her, but i really hope she starts chasing me, but can't expect much from a Japanese chick can i?
after osaka, we are going to go to nagaoka for our ski trip. so i won't be here for another two weeks.

anyways i got this email, about the economy in Zimbabwe which i think is funny and at the same time saddening, well, think for yourselves...

header of email...

What the real crisis is like!
If you think that the current economic crisis is something that has never happened in history before, you may be wrong! After the collapse of the agriculture sector in Zimbabwe in 2000, the inflation in that country skyrocketed to 231 million percent a year! Just think about it - 231 000 000%! Unemployment went up to 80% and a third of country's population left it.

What can you buy with it? Well, these 3 eggs for example.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

is what we have with us never enough?

some people say, if only i had this...
i feel kind of worried when i read the 'papers' (the online version) these days. well, with all kind of political stuff that i can barely comprehend happening i wonder if people stop to ever smell the flowers by the roadside. in our community nowadays, people tend to have tunnel vision, you know what is tunnel vision? tunnel vision is a saying used in horse racing where the horse has restricted vision and can only see what is front of it, by not being able to see what there is on both sides, the horse has only one goal, forward. nowadays people fix eye covers so that their horses have tunnel vision too. get the idea? we ain't horses... when we move too fast, we start forgetting, we start forgetting what is important.
truly i believe people nowadays would rather save a tonne of money then spend it with friends and family. i wonder if money is taking over us, all we see nowadays is money, and i feel stupid when i do the same too. i'm not implying that i'm greater than anyone, but i'm asking you to realize that, we are losing our values, ourselves. just a few weeks back, someone told me thank you, and i smiled and said it's nothing. but she stared back at me and said, ‘優しくしてくれて、ありがとう...’or thanks for caring about me. all i did was cook her dinner, since she always only eats rice balls everyday, i thought making her dinner one day would make her happy and i made her some simple fried rice, her smile i will never forget, because her smile was one of gratefulness, and i ask you, have you seen that recently? people seem to move too fast around me, why doesn't anyone want to just look up at the stars and wonder which one is bigger, why doesn't anyone want to just scream out into the sea and laugh out loud? why doesn't anyone want to realize that the best joy you can find in life is finding that hidden happiness in people's eyes?
maybe i'm just mad and i'm stupid, but that makes me me, i want to live my life without believing the lies people tell me, i don't want to be bound to the ground and drag the chains that shackle me... i want to be the way i am, free... what i have to me is enough, an almost clear conscience, so before you think of saving the world, save yourself first...
peace la... just wanted to write out my thoughts... hehehe

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Another boring day...?

hmm... nothing much happened today... just another ordinary day... nothing interesting to talk about... just like so many days have passed here... i call it boredom... went to the 'beach' by myself... i call it beach cause there is a little bit of sand, but others call it i don't know what... started throwing rocks into the sea. matched my own record and bounced one 6 times. many people don't know how to make a rock 'jump' on water... i remember when my dad taught me that, if i'm not mistaken when i was around 6 or 7 years old. he took a rock and flung it into the water yet it didn't sink it jumped... at that time, i as so amazed and tried to do it eagerly... i remember picking up a rock and throwing it and it sank immediately with a big 'plop' sound. and i remember staring at my dad, with my 'why' written all over my face, i remember at that time i was kinda fat, not kinda i guess, just really fat, and people used to pinch my cheeks and say how cute i was... (good memories good memories...) my dad looked at me and said, 'find a flat rock, and throw it as close to the surface as you can...' with a few nods, i tried again and again under my dad's watch. and when i finally did manage to make it jump twice, i was so happy... life then seems so much like a distant memory. throwing rocks nowadays makes me think of physics, of how when the diagonal movement of the rock and a large surface area makes the rock seem to jump because it could not overcome the surface tension of water. yes, there is a stupid badly drawn diagram of how it happens in my head now. but it ain't all that bad, when i first jumped the rock twice, i was so happy and i remember my dad smile too. we weren't always the luckiest family back then and i remember how hard my parents tried to make us happy with whatever little we had. my mom never failed to cook and feed me a meal i loved everyday even though it was so much trouble to her (till today, i still love the way she smiles when she feeds me), cleaned my clothes and did so much that it is hard for me to mention. my dad, i remember he used to work so much yet he always made time for my sister, my brother and i when he came back no matter how tired he was. i even remember a time when he photocopied a book on origami and kept the 3 of us occupied for what i guess was a month. i use to wait for him to come back to show him my badly folded planes and all. i don't know why, but i'm glad that i have my parents, and i often wonder why people say things like 'if i was born into a richer family' in awe and honesty, because to me, i will only be me, when i have my parents and my 3 siblings with me. one last thing, i read somewhere today that the greatest blessing for parents is a child, i disagree...
'my greatest blessing is my parents...'
i miss you all a lot, and i love you all a lot...