Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thinking of you...

looking back every time,
i see you there,
you were always there,
in my darkest hours,
in my brightest days,
always with a smile,
never frowning at me,
my every simple whim,
was happiness to you,
i miss you so,
and i realize now,
the depth of love,
cause my love is,
forever and ever now,
i know now that,
you are my everything,
and there is nothing,
in this small world,
i'd exchange you with...

thinking of you...

thinking of you here,
calamity in my calmness,
terror in my tranquility,
sickness in my soul...
all this means nothing,
for cure is you,
and you are here,
always in my heart...
nothing is more important,
than your warm hands,
than you soothing words,
than your smiling face...

you are my family and my friends, i miss you all, and i can't wait to see you all again in malaysia, hope this one month flies by, so i can be with you all again.
dedicated to my mother, i know it stinks >.< since i wrote it spontaneously, but i got my feelings out, so i don't care... hehehe

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