Sunday, April 5, 2009

oops... i did it again...

i played with your mind... and i did not update my blog... i'm not that innocent...
well i tried my best...
there is a very simple reason why i didn't not update my blog, the internet in malaysia is slow... it's so simple, so for the past one month during my spring break, i have been spending quality time with my family. i feel a little sorry cause i couldn't meet all the friends i wanted to, i miss many of them dearly, but the 'damage' done to me by staying here in japan too long is that i treasure my family more and i had to spend as much time with them as i possibly could.
today is the first day of school, i really am not quite sure what is going to happen but i hope i get of on the right foot. i don't really want any extra responsibility than i already have right now. i'm actually looking forward to classes and all this year, i want to do my best this time around and hope it will help me get into a good university. my next post will be later this weekend... will try to get some photos uploaded by this saturday. i promise!!!

1 comment:

Crabbed!! said...

Getting of on the right foot? Try spotting that look on your header...hahaha

Good luck to your studies,,,